Honorarium of $1000 for Hosts
Deadline to Apply: December 1, 2021
Dear Friends:
I am reaching out on behalf of CAA and the National Committee of the History of Art (NCHA) to encourage you to consider serving as a host for the 2022 CAA-Getty International Program. Since it began in 2012, the program has brought 135 scholars to CAA’s annual conferences, from fifty countries located in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, Asia, Southeast Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, and South America. A preconference colloquium on international topics in art history traditionally inaugurates the week of CAA’s annual meeting, kicking off four days of conference sessions, meetings with new colleagues, and visits to museums and galleries. Subsequent to these events, the program has generated many scholarly collaborations, including publications, conferences, and exhibitions.
Now in its 11th year, the CAA-Getty International Program will bring twelve scholars from seven countries to Chicago for CAA’s upcoming in-person annual conference, February 16-19, 2022. We are eager to identify six hosts to provide a warm welcome to these colleagues.
Each host will receive an honorarium of $1000 for hosting two international colleagues. In return, we ask that each host please:
- Send, by January 11th, an email to the participants they are hosting to offer help in meeting American colleagues, proposing conference sessions and events, and/or visiting museums/collections of particular interest;
- Attend the welcome dinner on Monday evening, February 14;
- Participate in the preconference colloquium on Tuesday, February 15, at the Chicago Hilton;
- Attend, if possible, the conference session on Thursday morning, February 18, presented by the CAA-Getty alumni, “Can Art History Be Affective? Empathy, Emotion and the Art Historian,” 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM (CST) at the Chicago Hilton, and the CAA-NCHA Reception, later in the
- Invite, if applicable, their international colleagues to the business meeting of their affiliated society and introduce him/her/them to colleagues in their
Interested? – Please submit a statement of interest (approximately 250 words) and a short CV to Dr. Cali Buckley, Content Manager: Education & Intellectual Property and Director of the CAA-Getty Program, CAA, at CBuckley@collegeart.org, by Wednesday, December 1, 2021.
CAA and NCHA will review the applications with an eye to finding the strongest matches between hosts and grantees based on academic interests. We will notify all host applicants of final decisions by Friday, December 10th.
Questions? Please reach out to Dr. Cali Buckley, Content Manager: Education & Intellectual Property and Director of the CAA-Getty Program, CAA, at CBuckley@collegeart.org.
Thank you for your consideration.
We look forward to hearing from you! All best,
Anne Collins Goodyear
Vice President, National Committee for the History of Art Co-Director, Bowdoin College Museum of Art
President Emerita, College Art Association